Pricey Dresses' Letdown: The Ad vs. Reality Showdown

2. Signature Gown by Cleopatra

Original Manufacturer: Style Temple Original Price: $400* Dismissal Acquired from: FabWoman Knockoff Acquired for: $50* TV personality Stephanie Coker's floor-length silver gown by Style Temple was so stunning that companies were unable to produce enough of a duplicate quickly enough. In this instance, FabWoman made the decision to sell their own replica of Stephanie's ensemble and even used her photo for promotional purposes.

Cloepatra Signature Gown on Facebook and KnockOffNightmares What then appeared? This unwary buyer received maroon lunacy instead of shades of grey gorgeousness. The difference between this imitation and the original is so great that it hurts to look at it. Surely the first step in copying something is to get the color right?
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