Prepare to Be Amazed by These Incredible Military Vehicles

3. WZ-7 Xianglong – “Soar Dragon” – China

Manufacturers: Chengdu Industry Aircraft Group and Guizhou Aircraft Industry Corporation The People's Liberation Army Air Force is the main user. Price not listed Another cutting-edge Chinese aircraft to reach this list is the Soar Dragon, also referred to as the WZ-7. The People's Liberation Army Air Force is the main user of this unmanned aerial vehicle. Since the UAV is built for "High Altitude Long Endurance," it is classified as a HALE aircraft.

WZ-7 Xianglong, "Soaring Dragon" (China) | The Soar Dragon is easily recognized due to its unusual-looking linked, tandem wingspan. Benefits of the configurations include a greater lift-to-drag ratio and fewer complex flight controls. The PLAAF has used the sixteen of these aircraft that have been produced thus far for maritime patrol and reconnaissance duties.

4. Piranha V – Switzerland

Producer: General Dynamics Land Systems in Europe The Swiss Army and the Danish Army are the main users. Price per unit: $4.2-$6.1 million* The Mowag Piranha Infantry Fighting Vehicle family includes the fifth-generation Piranha V IFV. The European Land Systems Wing of GD created the vehicle, which was manufactured by Mowag Motor Car Factory. Denmark, Switzerland, Monaco, Spain, and Romania all use the Piranha V. Piranha V (Switzerland) The 26-foot-long by 10-foot-wide, 73,000-pound IFV can accommodate three crew members and eight passengers. Even if an AT mine detonates beneath the IFV's hull, the crew is still protected. It has armor made of STANAG 4569. The Swiss Army has placed an order for twelve vehicles and several dozen Morser self-propelled mortar systems.
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