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7. The USS Greeneville

Joined the Service in 1994 Producer: Newport News Building ships Price: *$1 billion The USS Greeneville, which bears the name of Greeneville, Tennessee, is the only vessel in its class thus named. In 1996, the USS Greeneville was put into service by the Navy. There, it was berthed in Dry Dock #1 at Pearl Harbor. The ship's length is 362 feet. / USS Greeneville @USPacificFleet "Volunteers Defending Frontiers" is its motto. It is equipped with twelve Tomahawk missiles and two-foot-long torpedo tubes. The ship is still in operation today. Its displacement is six thousand tons. When the sailors of the USS Greeneville visited the city for which it was named, wonderful headlines were created. She was given the name Andrew Johnson in honor of the seventeenth US president's house. She was given the name when Greenville locals, including those living there and companies like submarine equipment manufacturer Greeneville Metal Manufacturing, started pushing for the submarine to be named after a small town rather than a major metropolis.
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