Billion-Dollar Beasts: Exploring the Most Expensive Military Vehicles to Ever Hit the Battlefield

2. Predator MQ-1B

Joined the Service in 1994 Producer: General Atomics Price: * $4.03 million The CIA and the USAF have both utilized the General Atomics-designed RPA known as the MQ-1 Predator. For airborne surveillance, the Predator is equipped with sensors, cameras, and other observational equipment. It was made for combat as well. Lockheed Martin Hellfire missiles and other armaments can be carried by the Predator.

The Predator is frequently employed to keep an eye on stressful circumstances, both at home and abroad. Predator drones are available to the general public for use in scientific research, law enforcement, monitoring forest fires, natural disasters, and other related scenarios. It is stated that the Predator drones are "in limited service." The first drone flight occurred in 1994. The US Air Force has conducted weaponry tests on the Predator and is thinking of building a version of the aircraft that can drop battlefield ground sensors and carry or deploy a Finder. Since 2001, the Predator has been subjected to weapons testing, with varying degrees of success. While the accuracy was good, the missile fuzzing was not as successful.
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